Brand Editorial Review or PR Boost: Supercharge Your Brand!

      Unlock Search Traffic 
      & Generate Leads

      • Improve conversions and generate more sales
      • ​1 professional news-worth press release (guaranteed news-worthy) 
      • or ​1 brand editorial review
      • ​Guaranteed news pickups
      ‘For just $3152 $699 ✅
      → Few more slots left Claim yours now!
      Pillar Content + PR Boost: Supercharge Your Brand!

      Unlock Search Traffic 
      & Generate Leads

      • Improve conversions and generate more sales
      • ​1 professional, news-worthy press release
      • ​1 long-from pillar how-to or listicle post
      • ​Guaranteed news pickups
      ‘For just $3152 $699 ✅
      → Few more slots left Claim yours now!
      Why Our Pillar Content Strategy Outshines Traditional PR agencies?
      Why Our Pillar Content Strategy Outshines Traditional PR agencies?
      Traditional PRs get buried within a week or two, but our strategy ensures your pillar page continues to be indexed by publishing engaging, informal topics that provide value to readers.

      While we also create newsworthy content, our approach focuses on building buzz and prompting Google to crawl your pillar page, resulting in sustained visibility for your brand.

      With direct editorial access to some of the world's largest news sites and in-depth understanding of advertising and publishing, our unique blend of pillar content strategy and press release distribution guarantees the recognition and exposure your brand deserves.
      Benefits of 
      Pillar Posts vs Traditional PR:
      Amplify Brand Authority
      High-quality, how-to articles that build trust and expand your audience reach.
      Elevate Recognition
      Top-rated product or brand articles that strengthen customer confidence and improve SEO with powerful backlinks.
      Generate 5000-7000 clicks within the first 6 weeks and up to 50k clicks over time
      Deepen Engagement
      Long-form content that increases perceived value and enhances search rankings for better visibility.
      Enhance Reputation
      Branded editorial content that showcases company reviews and ratings to boost credibility, transparency, and social proof.
      What to Expect?
          350+ News Publications

      You will get:

      • 1 Unique Promotional Copy
      • Introducing 📃: Revolutionizing Your Everyday Experience
      • Unique Long-form pillar post
      • How-to, top rated, listicle or ultimate guide post

        Case Study

        Listen to what our clients have to say


        Fetch Rewards App 

        • Clicks: 17K
        • Impressions: 350K
        • PageViews: 25K
        • Organic Keywords: 229

        Wines 'Til Sold Out (WTSO) Everything You Need to Know

        • Clicks: 7K
        • Impressions: 125K
        • PageViews: 16K
        • Organic Keywords: 15

        Symple Lending:
        Are they scam?

        • Clicks: 6K
        • Impressions: 11K
        • PageViews: 15.2K
        • Organic Keywords: 15

        800Tax Reviews and Ratings

        • Clicks: 3.1K
        • Impressions: 12K
        • PageViews: 5K
        • Organic Keywords: 17

        Reviews and Ratings

        • Clicks: 3K
        • Impressions: 30K
        • PageViews: 7.1K
        • Organic Keywords: 23

        How To's and Listicles

        How-to posts are exceptional in leading those who are ready to buy to your brand by providing answers for shopping-related questions. They are also an amazing way to build a super engaged audience. 

        A listicle post is one whose headline features a numbered collection of things. It plays on human psychological drivers to boost curiosity and gain views. this is a naturally engaging article type, as it is easily scannable for readers, and can highlight your brand as number 1 solution to your readers needs. 

        Press Release

        Sometimes you want to shout from the mountaintop about the achievements of your business and a press release is the right place to do this. Press releases announce company milestones and boost your brands' credibility and online visibility at the same time. Well-written press releases also drive organic search traffic to attract customers and investors alike.

        Brand or Product reviews

        Brand and Product reviews are a critical tool to influence consumer buying decisions. For a newly launched brand, a product review can serve as the first place for customers to learn about the features, specs, how-tos of your product or service. By providing useful and FAQ focused reviews, you’ll be able to make more instant sales.
        Benefits of 
        Pillar Posts vs Traditional PR:
        Generate 5000-7000 clicks within the first 6 weeks and up to 50k clicks over time
        Amplify Brand Authority
        High-quality, how-to articles that build trust and expand your audience reach.
        Elevate Recognition
        Top-rated product or brand articles that strengthen customer confidence and improve SEO with powerful backlinks.
        Deepen Engagement
        Long-form content that increases perceived value and enhances search rankings for better visibility.
        Enhance Reputation
        Branded editorial content that showcases company reviews and ratings to boost credibility, transparency, and social proof.
        What to Expect?
            350+ News Publications

        You will get:

        • 1 Unique Promotional Copy
        • Introducing 📃: Revolutionizing Your Everyday Experience
        • Unique Long-form pillar post
        • How-to, top rated, listicle or ultimate guide post

        Exclusive Publisher Rights:

        As an exclusive publisher, we keep your pillar content updated and exclusively for your brand. Our constant indexing ensures your content remains relevant and impactful.

        Exclusive Publisher Rights:

        As an exclusive publisher, we keep your pillar content updated and exclusively for your brand. Our constant indexing ensures your content remains relevant and impactful.

        Benefits of Working with Us:
        • 12+ Years of Expertise: We have a proven track record in lead generation, helping businesses grow and succeed.
        • Impressive Results: Our strategies have generated 21M in search traffic in under 4 years, showcasing our ability to rank content on Google.
        Benefits of Working with Us:
        • 12+ Years of Expertise: We have a proven track record in lead generation, helping businesses grow and succeed.
        • Impressive Results: Our strategies have generated 21M in search traffic in under 4 years, showcasing our ability to rank content on Google.
        Why Choose us?
        Our unique blend of pillar content strategy and press release distribution, combined with our partnership with Inquirer News and a network of 5000+ journalists, guarantees the recognition and exposure your brand deserves.

        With direct editorial access to some of the world's largest news sites and in-depth understanding of advertising and publishing, our unique blend of pillar content strategy and press release distribution guarantees the recognition and exposure your brand deserves.
        Our partnership with Inquirer News and a network of 5000+ journalists further enhances our offering. Experience explosive search traffic growth and improved customer retention with our proven approach.

        Guaranteed Results:
        We stand by our commitment to deliver results. As soon as you place an order, our campaign strategist will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps, ensuring a seamless and successful experience.

        Are you ready to unlock your brand's full potential? Click below to get started with PillarPro PR Boost and watch your search traffic and leads skyrocket!
        Guaranteed Results:
        We stand by our commitment to deliver results. As soon as you place an order, our campaign strategist will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps, ensuring a seamless and successful experience.

        Are you ready to unlock your brand's full potential? Click below to get started with PillarPro PR Boost and watch your search traffic and leads skyrocket!

        What's Included?

        • Boost your conversion rates
        • ​One-time purchase
        • Get more traffic 
        • ​Lifetime Publication
        • Gain exceptional media attention
        • ​Provides publicity and boosts reputation
        • ​Improve your website's SEO
        • ​Establish your brand as industry leader
        What's Included?
        • Boost your conversion rates
        • ​One-time Purchase
        • Get more traffic 
        • ​Lifetime Publication
        • Gain exceptional media attention
        • ​Provides publicity and boosts reputation
        • ​Improve your website's SEO
        • ​Establish your brand as industry leader

        Benefits Of Working With Us

        • ​Build your online reputation
        • ​Get verified on social media
        • ​Outrank your competition on Google Search
        • ​More web traffic and brand awarness
        • ​High quality backlinks (SEO Boost)
        • ​Lead and new customers
        • ​Instant social proof and credibility
        • ​Lifelong customers
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